Consulting Board

Geraldo Prado


Geraldo Prado graduated in Law from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in 1983. He finished his Master’s degree program in Law in 1998 at University Gama Filho, where he defended his dissertation “Sistema Acusatório: a conformidade constitucional das leis processuais penais” [Accusatory System: constitutional compliance of criminal procedural laws]. In 2003, he received his Doctor’s degree in the same institution, with his thesis “Elementos para uma análise crítica da Transação Penal no direito brasileiro” [Elements for a critical analysis of the plea bargain in Brazilian Law].

Associate professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), where he has worked since 2004 in the graduation course of the National Law School, and since 2015 in the post-graduation program in Law (PPGD).

In the graduation course, he teaches Criminal Procedural Law and in his doctor’s degree program he investigates the “System of Epistemic Controls”. A bachelor of Law from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (1983 – UERJ), he has both a master’s and a doctor’s degree in law from University Gama Filho (1998 and 2003 – UGF).

He carried out post-doctorate studies in History of the Legal Ideas and Cultures at the University of Coimbra (2010). An outsourced consultant of the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education of Portugal, Geraldo Prado contributes to Portuguese, Spanish and Latin-American universities.

Since June 2013 he is an investigator at the Research Centre for Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences of the University of Lisbon. By 2016, he joined the RATIO LEGIS – Centre for Research and Development in Legal Sciences of Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, with research in “Mercado, Regulação e Fiscalidade: o papel das Instituições Superiores de Controlo Financeiro na promoção de uma boa governança” [Market, Regulation and Taxation: the role of Higher Education Institutions of Financial Control in promoting a good governance].

He’s a visiting professor at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. He’s a writer for Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Criminal (RPCC) [Portuguese Maganize of Criminal Science]. As an author of books and articles published in Brazil and abroad, he integrated the Commission instituted by the Ministry of Justice for the Reform of the Book on Appeals and Objections in the Code of Criminal Procedure.

A career judge, he retired from the position of appellate judge at the State Appellate Court of Rio de Janeiro (2012).